Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oppistion to Green Power in BC

I am getting more and more depressed at the opposition in BC to green power. The small scale run of the river hydro projects are among the greenest sources of energy on the planet but yet there is this strong opposition to them being developed. I am going to try and address the issues raised by people opposed to the projects.

Anyone that is concerned about climate change and opposes these projects seems to me to be not functioning in a rational manner.

This column in the Province shows us that Tseporah Berman clearly gets the need for the projects.

I am going to address the following over a number of days:
  1. The construction of the projects is environmentally damaging
  2. This is wholesale privatization of water
  3. A huge number of creeks are being staked
  4. The projects will drain the creeks
  5. The projects infringe on Aboriginal Title and Rights
  6. The public is not being consulted
  7. This should not be done by the private sector
  8. BC Hydro is paying too much for the power
  9. BC Hydro produces enough power
  10. We do need more power, we achieve everything through conservation

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