- BC - Site C on the Peace River - 5100 GWh per year - $7.9 billion
- Manitoba - Keeyask Project - 4,400 GWh per year - $6.5 billion
- Newfoundland and Labrador - Muskrat Falls - 4,900 GWh per year - $7.7 billion
- Quebec - Romaine River project - 7500 GWh per year - $6.5 billion cost
- Quebec - Sarcelle and Eastmain 1A - 8,700 GWh per year
On the books but not actively being pursued
- Alberta - Slave River project - est 6,000 GWH per year - est $5 billion - on hold due ot lakc of agreement with First Nations
- Quebec - Petit Mecatina - 6,200 GWH per year
- Newfoundland and Labrador - Gull Island - 11,700 GWh per year